Special Guest Presents Nutrition Topic on January 20, 2012

Dr. Najand was the special guest at January's Coffee with the Principal. She shared information about nutrition as it relates to building healthy meals. Dr. Najand discussed the "My Plate" concept and showed how to plan well-balanced meals by controlling portion size and incorporating a variety of food groups. Tips were shared for building a healthy meal. See if you can try some of these as you start the new year off healthy:

1. make half of your plate vegetables and fruit
2. add lean protein
3. include whole grains
4. add dairy products to meals
5. avoid extra fat
6. take your time
7. use smaller plates
8. take control of your food
9. try new foods
10. satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way

(Adapted from DG TipSheet No. 7, June 11; USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion)

Resource for more information:

With gratitude:

*Thank you Dr. Najand for assisting with parent education.
*Thank you Kimberlee Vanderkolk, PIH Nurse, for your support and attendance.
*Thank you Ofie Torres, PTC President, for the morning healthy treats for the meeting.
*Thank you Regina Torres, PTC Treasurer, for assisting with hospitality.
*Thank you April Pantoja, Attendance Clerk, for making the coffee.
*Thank you Johnny Lopez, LNMS Volunteer, for calling parents to remind them about the meeting.
*Thank you Claudia Fonseca, Secretary, for helping with copies and parent communique.
*Thank you Oscar Sanchez, Custodian, for preparing the library for the meeting.