The visibility of parents was evident at the Back-To-School Night event at Los Nietos Middle School on Tuesday, September 18, 2012. The evening began with a general welcome in the auditorium by Jacqueline Cardenas, Principal. Staff members and specials guests learned about the status of the facility upgrades and heard about the terrific academic achievement of students on the 2012 STAR. Of worthy mention was that the students earned a 22-point growth in API, while meeting all state and federal accountability growth targets.
Visitors followed their student’s schedule and met core teachers. Classroom expectations, procedures, assignments, homework, assessments, and the state Standards and instructional materials were discussed. With the amount of support demonstrated, no doubt the LMNS Braves will have another productive and successful year.
A Note of Thanks to:
*PTC President Ofie Torres and PTC Treasurer Regina Ramirez for hosting a refreshment table
*Mr. Jonathan Vasquez (Superintendent), Dr. Mary Mc Neil (Assistant Superintendent-Instructional Services), and Mr. Doug McMasters (Assistant Superintendent-Business Services) for visiting classrooms
*Mr. Art Escobedo (Board President) for visiting the Home of the Braves
*Our partners from THINK Together, Spirit Family Services, Presbyterian Hospital, and Pacific Clinics for providing information booths for our families
Visitors followed their student’s schedule and met core teachers. Classroom expectations, procedures, assignments, homework, assessments, and the state Standards and instructional materials were discussed. With the amount of support demonstrated, no doubt the LMNS Braves will have another productive and successful year.
A Note of Thanks to:
*PTC President Ofie Torres and PTC Treasurer Regina Ramirez for hosting a refreshment table
*Mr. Jonathan Vasquez (Superintendent), Dr. Mary Mc Neil (Assistant Superintendent-Instructional Services), and Mr. Doug McMasters (Assistant Superintendent-Business Services) for visiting classrooms
*Mr. Art Escobedo (Board President) for visiting the Home of the Braves
*Our partners from THINK Together, Spirit Family Services, Presbyterian Hospital, and Pacific Clinics for providing information booths for our families