Special guest Brigida Davila, Dietician, from Presbyterian Hospital Presented at the Coffee with Cardenas on April 26, 2013

Our local expert in foods and health, Dietician Brigida Davila, presented to parents at the monthly Coffee with Cardenas on April 26, 2013. Her helpful tips highlighted how eating meals as a family yielded better overall health of family members. For example, did you know that eating as a family unit increases the likelihood of:

*maintaining a normal body weight

*having healthier eating patterns

*increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in one's diet?


Make it your goal to have at least 3 meals as a family weekly and infuse equal amounts of great conversation related to students' success at every meal!!!


Recommendations for making mealtime happen:


*Make a plan.

*Keep it simple.

*Prepare over the weekend.

*Be flexible.


-Thank you to Brigida Avila for educating our families and students on healthy eating habits. We appreciate the $200 grant for our school!

-Thank you to all of our parents who attended the Coffee with the Principal.

-Thank you to Ofie Torres, PTC President, for providing morning treats for the meeting.

-Thank you to Counselor, Mrs. Tortarolo, for supporting parents at the meeting through her presence.