Students and staff gathered under the shade on one of the hottest Fridays yet this spring. As they came together, spirited sounds of the LNMS Band filled the air with the festive “Hey Song.” Principal Cardenas thanked students, teachers, and support staff for their collective effort this year to prepare to meet high AYP and API growth targets. She shared that the results on the STAR will serve as a "report card" for the school to demonstrate to the community that LNMS is making consistent academic growth. "Last year LNMS achieved 23-points growth in API and this year our goal is achieve status in the 800 Club by moving up from 797 to 815. We can do it, Braves!" she proclaimed in encouragement.
A variety of student acts graced the stage during the celebration. Student performers included a singing duo with Adela Carmody and Serena Hernandez. Omar Mata performed his awe-inspiring cup stacking. Lastly, Ezra Sanchez, Sarah Elsayed, Ana Cortez, and Emily Corona performed to “The Cup Song.” They were outgoing and ready to entertain peers to make the rally memorable for all.
At the end of the rally, Mrs. Cardenas shared that their was only one multiple choice question that all students had to answer correctly by a show of fingers (1 to 5) to enable them to be released for lunch. If any student got the incorrect response, ALL students would report to Saturday School the following day. Let’s see if you reading this can respond correctly.
During the STAR test, it is important to:
A. Read and understand each question (1 finger)
B. Check your answer by going back to the reading passage to verify information (2 fingers)
C. Work out each problem in math (3 fingers)
D. Take your time (4 fingers)
E. All of the above (5 fingers)
(We hope you would have held up 5 fingers too.)
*Thank you to Oscar and Armando for your prompt set up for the rally.
*Thank you to Patricia Baldelomar for working with student acts.
*Thank you to Desiree Chavez and Jorge Valdes for serving as our photographer to capture fond middle school memories.
*Thank you to Don Fulton for directing the band. (We missed you Mr. Furnish! You would have been so proud of your band students.)