Data Confirmation is OPEN! Families must complete data confirmation in Aeries using the Parent Portal by August 2, 2024. Thank you!
This Week @ LNMS STEAM 4/22/24 Click to see what is up this week @ LNMS STEAM Check our school website often for updated information. Haga clic para ver qué está pasando en LNMS esta semana. Visite nuestro sitio web escolar a menudo para obtener información actualizada.
This Week @ LNMS STEAM 4/15/24 Click to see what is up this week @ LNMS STEAM. Check our school website often for updated information. Haga clic para ver qué está pasando en LNMS esta semana. Visite nuestro sitio web escolar a menudo para obtener información actualizada.
This Week @ LNMS STEAM 4/8/24 Click to see what is up this week @ LNMS STEAM. Check our school website often for updated information. Haga clic para ver qué está pasando en LNMS esta semana. Visite nuestro sitio web escolar a menudo para obtener información actualizada.
Los Nietos Middle School STEAM Academy Honored as a 2024 California Distinguished School Los Nietos Middle School (LNMS) STEAM Academy is among the 293 secondary schools named 2024 California Distinguished Schools by the California Department of Education (CDE) on February 29.
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting - April 10th When: Wednesday, April 10, 8:00 AM - 10:30 AMWhere: District Office 8324 S. Westman Ave., Whittier
Future Freshman Night at all Whittier Union Schools 3/21/24 Head to the High School your student will be attending to see what programs they offer.